Why Farmers Matter
Can regenerative agriculture really be an economically viable practice for farmers?
On February 26, 2022, Serge Koenig, Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Conservation Technician, and Roman Miller, Baraboo area farmer and practitioner of Management-Intensive Grazing, presented a program "Why Farmers Matter". In their presentation, Koenig and Miller described how switching from conventional farming to Management-Intensive Grazing can benefit the grazing ruminants who eat nutrient-rich forage; the wildlife returning to the pastures; the soil that becomes richer, denser, full of life, and remains in place instead of eroding; the nearby waterways which become cleaner and life-sustaining because they are not inundated with runoff from the fields; the atmosphere from which carbon is being sequestered into the healthy soil; the farmer who spends less time tilling and harvesting in the fields or worrying about profits and losses; and the consumer who can purchase safe, healthful food products at a fair price while helping to support local farmers. This program was co-sponsored by Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Department (https://www.co.sauk.wi.us/cpz), Carnegie-Schadde Memorial Public Library (https://www.csmpl.org/), and Powered Up Baraboo (https://www.poweredupbaraboo.org/).